Thursday, March 1, 2018

I'm a W.I.F.E., not a W.I.T.C.H.

Marriage has become a mirage.

To many, marriage has become a cage.

To many more, it has become bondage.

How can we salvage our marriage?   💌

If you are married (or planning to be married at some point), think about this critical relationship QUESTION.

If your spouse could go back in time and decide to choose who to get married to again, do you think he/she will decide to get married to you?

Many homes are failing today. Divorce is on the increase, even among those who claim to be Christians and know that divorce is not of God.

Wives are killing husbands and husbands doing same to their wives.

Many homes are already broken even when the couple remains together under the same roof.

Are there ways to mend the broken fences of our dilapidated relationship walls? 

What are the ways wives can become ASSETS to their husbands and husbands can be good to their wives?

Long before I got married, these were questions that bothered me and now that I am married I kept pondering on these and I think God is helping me to find some answers.

In a bid to help proffer solutions to some of the causes of the lingering problems within the family, this WHATSAPP SEMINAR has been put together.

During I’M A W.I.F.E., NOT A W.I.T.C.H. participants will be exposed to some fundamental truths (Let me be truthful with you, they are to a large extent some things you already know, but due to societal misinterpretation, many would rather ignore these time tested truths) that keep the cord of family union and unity strong. What are those expectations men have of their wives? Is it possible to avoid conflicts or reduce them to barest minimum? How should money matters be handled at home? 

Why would a woman be considered a witch? And so much more...

The concept of this seminar is simple, each letter of the words WIFE and WITCH will form the basis for our teaching.

DATE:    Saturday 17 March, 2018.
TIME:     6pm prompt
VENUE: WhatsApp

PARTICIPATION: Pay N2,500 into GTB, ABIODUN MABADEJE, 0001108052 and send payment details by text or WhatsApp to 08023771690 with your own WhatsApp number and you will be added to the group for the meeting.

Plan to be part of it and your marriage will not remain the same.

- - Wives
- - Fiancées
- - Spinsters
  - Girlfriends
- - Sisters
If you are a man reading this, tell all the women in your life about it. Your wive, fiancee, girlfriend, sister, colleague and even your mother.

It will be explosive.


Abiodun Mabadeje