Everyone faces challenges and
battles that try to stop them from attaining their desired goals in life. Some
of these battles are internal, while several others are external.
My intention here is not to
distinguish between these battles and identify which one is stronger or
otherwise, rather it is to establish that they exist and look at ways to
respond to them when they come staring or roaring at us in the face.
Jesus, our Saviour (provided you
are saved) faced several battles while He walked the face of the earth as a
mortal man (though He Himself was/is immortality personified), but did not
forget who He was.
And this is instructive. Many of us
forget who we are when we are faced with situations of life that are subject to
change. We forget that “He that is from above is above all.”
We forget that “Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.” We
forget that “the things (challenges) which we see are temporal, but the things
(solution) which are not seen are eternal.” We forget the promises of God
and His faithfulness to “Never leave nor forsake us.” I
mean, we forget that “there is no temptation (challenge) that
has overtaken you except such as is common to man and the Lord will with the
temptation make a way of escape.”
But look at what the Bible says of
Jesus in Hebrews 12:2b, “Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Now, this is where the real
challenge of your faith comes in. In the “a” part of Hebrews 12:2, it says, “Looking
unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.”

In the final analysis, don’t let
the challenge that you see today deny you the chance to see the change that is
ahead, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Written by:
Abiodun Mabadeje
Author/Speaker/Life Coach/Minister/MC/Publisher
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