Thursday, February 13, 2020


There are so many problems and vices bedeviling us as a people and nation.

It has been noted that one of our main challenges as an independent nation is the fact that we have not had leaders who are sincere and sacrificial at the saddle as a nation; leaders who are first for and about the people before they are for themselves. 

Rather, we have consistently had and still do leaders who think only of the largesse of the office; leaders who in actual fact are not leaders but rulers, dealers and in most cases, stealers. 

They are people with an entitlement mentality. They believe it is their right to use their position and authority of the office they occupy to oppress and suppress the people they lead. That is why someone who occupies a particular office can divert the money meant for developmental ventures of the society to his private account and get away with it. CORRUPTION!

But that is not the only problem we have as a people.

There is also the problem of 'followership' or should I say, the problem of the followers?

As it is with the leaders, so it is with the followers. 

We are a 'rights-wanting-people', but not a 'responsibilities-driven-people'. We have a mentality of take and grab without any desire to give. And the law of life is, "Give and it shall be given unto you." But majority of us as a people are about taking and getting without first willing to give.

It is this kind of mentality that has become the monster destroying most of our homes and marriages. 

You have people who go into marriage believing that they are there for all they can get. In fact they believe it is their right only to go and get and not to give.

Both men and women are guilty of this. It is however more prevalent among women. It is women who mostly believe that they are in 'the marriage' only to be served and serviced. They are there for their husbands to meet all their needs and in most cases are not willing and ready to support in meeting the needs at home. 

Many women will tell you, "My money is my money, but your money is our money." This is the kind of mentality the devil has been using to destroy many homes.

Many women are nothing but liabilities on their husbands. They are leaches - parasites. 

It is time we changed this attitude as a people if we desire change in our homes and nation.

Everyone must learn to give and not only to take.

Bible encourages and says, "Can two walk together, except they agree?" In another place it says, "One shall put to flight one thousand, and two shall put to flight ten thousand." 

Bottom line, we must cooperate, collaborate, synergize, and work together to achieve our dreams and desires. "Two heads are better than one." Always!

It is time to kill this MONSTER before it kills us.

May we succeed.

May our marriages succeed.

May our nation succeed. 



© @AbiodunMabadeje