Without an iota of doubt, I am convinced that this title is not strange to anyone who at one time or the other has had the opportunity of serving his or her fatherland in any part of Nigeria. Particularly I am talking about serving under the National Youth Service Corps (N.Y.S.C.) scheme.
I am sure also that this title reminds you almost immediately of the N.Y.S.C. anthem:
Youths obey the clarion call
Let us lift our nation high
Under the Sun or in the Rain
With dedication and selflessness
Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve.
What beautiful lines those are!
With a high degree of certainty, I am convinced that Mr. Wole Adetiran (OFR), who composed this anthem, is a man who truly understands what it means to have the interest of the nation at heart and be ready to serve, come rain or shine.
As a Nigerian too, who has had the opportunity of serving under N.Y.S.C. the scheme, in the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Makurdi, Benue State to be precise. I have thought over the words of this anthem and gone to check the dictionary for the meaning of the word “CLARION” only to discover that the phrase “CLARION CALL” means, “A strongly expressed demand for action.”
This is what gave birth to the writing of this piece – “THE CLARION CALL!”
To say that Nigeria is a country marred with myriad of problems will not be an understatement or exaggeration of any kind. The indices are so clear. Virtually every Nigerian from small to great is complaining because of the heat we are being bathed with by reason of these “innumerable company of problems.”
However, the point of emphasis here is not to begin to lay bare one after the other the various problems we are faced with on a daily basis, we all know them. These problems cut across all the facets of our national life. All!
The indefatigable former U.S. President, Bill Clinton, on the occasion of his visit to Nigeria, said, “Nobody has a right to complain about anything if he is not willing or ready to do something about it.”
I believe that the astute former President must have borrowed leaf from the idea that has become so enshrined in the mentality of every American today – “Ask not what America can do for you, but what you can do for America.”
It is from this perception that I also want to throw this challenge to you, yes YOU! reading this piece right now.
The time has come for all of us to rise and take up the challenge to improve the lot of our fatherland. But for this to happen, we all must be ready to take the bull by the horns – whether you are young or old; educated or not. It is not about where you live – in the fast paced city or the slow paced village.
The CLARION CALL is a wake up call; it is a call to action; it is a call to duty and responsibility by using whatever ability and capability at your disposal to bring about stability in the socio-economic growth and development of our nation – Nigeria.
This CALL is a challenge to all and sundry, and above all, it is a call we must all answer. No matter who you are or what you do, you have a stake in this country called Nigeria. That is why as long as breath remains in you, you must continue to fight positively against all the ills that have plagued our nation and brought us to the point of degradation.
Above all, I believe that in the long run this fight will bring promotion and foster integration amongst our people, and help to redeem our battered and shattered image amongst the committee of nations. Remember that Nigeria once enjoyed the enviable position of being called the “Giant of Africa.”
This can happen again; this will happen again; and this must happen again! But not until we all answer the “THE CLARION CALL!”
God bless you and God bless Nigeria!
Abiodun Mabadeje
08023771690, 07041662789